Bin Weevil Blue

Celebrate with some highly-requested Spring and Easter nest items! May 18, 2012  this cheat does work. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.

Do you want to know how to get a job on Binweevils? If so, then you are in the right place because we are going to show you a couple different places where you can work or get a job.

Getting a job on Bin Weevils is pretty easy to do. All you have to do is click on the map and click go Rum’ Airport and Tum’s Diner.
Once you are in Tum’s Diner click on the question mark and it will show you how to become a waiter or become a chef.

How To Get a Job On Binweevils

To become a waiter, click on the stack of trays to pick one up. Then grab a plate of food that the chef has prepared for everyone. Bring the plate of food over to a Bin Weevil that is sitting at a table. Now repeat the process. Congrats, you are now a waiter at the Tum’s Diner.

To become a chef at Tum’s Diner jump onto the stool at the front counter. Click the blue disk to bring up the menu on the screen. Next, select the type of food you want to make for the Bin Weevils. Congrats, you just made your first food item as a chef at Yum’s Diner.

Watch out short video clip to see exactly how to get a job on Binweevils at Yum’s Diner.

You can also become a waiter at Figg’s cafe. To get a job at Figg’s Cafe click on the stack of empty plates that are on the counter. Then click on the blue disk to pull up the menu on the screen. Now, select the type of food that you want to serve to a Bin Weevil. Pay attention, because some Weevils may tell you what they want. When the food pops up on the counter click on it and bring it over to the Bin Weevil.

Well, now you have learned how to get a job on Binweevils. Enjoy working as a waiter or chef at these two restaurants. Let us know which place is your favorite to work at by leaving a comment below.

Hey weevils. These are all the combinations for the Bin Bots in Binweevils. Thay are 100% correct!

2 x Blue (BB-5) + Purple (BB+3) for 24 hours – get’s you Trizer.

Pink (BB-1) + Blue (BB-5) + Green (BB-4) for 24 hours – gets you Bed Bug.

Pink (BB-1) + Orange (BB-2) + Pink (BB-1) for 24 hours – gets you Hamma Bird.

Bin Weevils Blog

BinBin Weevil Blue

Green (BB-4) + Blue (BB-5) + Purple (BB-3) for 24 hours – gets you Octopuss.

Pink (BB-1) + 2 x Orange (BB-2) for 24 hours – gets you Garbage Bot.

Make A Bin Weevil

3 x Orange (BB-2) for 24 hours – gets you Bronco.

Orange (BB-2) + 2 x Green (BB-4) for 24 hours – gets you Loady Bug.

Bin Weevil Blue Eyes

2 x Orange (BB-2) + Blue (BB-5) for 24 hours – gets you Stilt Jig.

3 x Purple (BB-3) for 24 hours – gets you Slug Bug.

3 x Pink (BB-1) for 24 hours – gets you Rockilla.

Bin Weevil Cheats

Bin Weevil Blue

Purple (BB-3) + Orange (BB-2) +Purple (BB-3) for 24 Hours – gets you Hug Bug

Pink (BB-1) + 2 x Blue (BB-5) for 24 Hours – gets you Snuffle Bee.

2 x Green (BB-4) + Blue (BB-5) for 24 hours – gets Bow Beep.
