Bin Weevils Wiki

This awesome guide will tell you how to keep your garden looking great and earning you lots of Mulch and XP. It includes lots of information like what plants to plants, what are the best plants and which plants earn you the most XP!

Bin Garden FAQ

How do I get my garden started?

Binweevils Wiki 2017

First you need to decide what kind of garden you want, if you are a low level or not yet level 65 I would recommend a ‘Middle Shelf Garden’ which is where you use your whole garden to constantly plant and replant plants which harvest for Mulch and XP. If your level 65 or want to impress MUDD and other weevils that come visiting your nest then I recommend a ‘Top and Bottom Shelf Garden’ this uses the furniture on the top shelf and the trees and statues that last forever on the bottom shelf so you don’t have to continuously replant and wait for things to grow! Below are some examples:

Bottom and Top Shelf (Best for Impressing Other Weevils)


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How Can I Harvest Plants?

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Bin Weevils Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site JokeyPsych EndgameHonest GalaxyQuest. After he was confirmed, he was said to be going around the Bin for a whole week to find other yellow weevils to take pictures with. The Super Antenna Quest Edit. In September 2013, after many weevils anticipating an event like this for years, The Super Antenna Quest was released.

Harvesting plants couldn’t get more simpler, once you have planted your plants you can click on them to see what percentage of growth they are at once the are fully grown they will say harvest when you click on them if you click that and click ‘YES’ on the box which appears it will give you the mulch and experience. If you bought that plant from the bottom shelf it will go back to 0% but if you bought it from the middle shelf it will disappear to make room for some new plants!

How Can I get Lots of XP and Mulch from my Garden?

Planting plants is by far the best way to earn Mulch and XP but the better you plant the more you can earn use these tips to help you get the most XP and Mulch from your garden:

Club Penguin Island

  • Become a Tycoon and expand you garden to get more space!
  • Plant everything as close as possible to make the most of your space!
  • Buy rare plants in the Garden Store (These harvest for the most)
  • Harvest and Re-Plant as soon as plants become ready!
Bin Weevils Wiki

How Do I Stop Plants from Dyeing?

Bin Weevils Wikipedia

The only way you can stop plants from dying is buying a watering can and placing it into you garden, then when you click on a plant a water option comes up if you do this it will increase the amount of time it lives! Only plants from the middle shelf can die meaning only these can be watered!