Binweevils crossword answers level 1 – General Crossword
Starting from the top on “Across” –
Someone who flies a plane is called: Pilot
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This season comes after summer: Autumn
A tree trunk is covered with this: Bark
You wear these to protect your eyes from the sun: Sunglasses
Three plus four equals this: Seven
A king or queen wears this on their head: Crown
Now starting from the top on “Down” –
You stick this to a letter before mailing it: Stamp
Another word for a silly trick you play on someone: Prank
these tiny ice crystals fall from the sky in the winter: Snowflakes
A tricycle has three of these: Wheels
you blow these out on top of a cake: Candles
Ice Cream is sometime served on this: Cone
If you put some toppings between two pieces of bread, you get this: Sandwich
The opposite of west: East
you put a pair of these on before your shoes: Socks
That’s it for crossword 1! If you have questions on any of the answers let me know!
Binweevils crossword answers level 2 – Opposites
Answers starting from “Across” on the top –
The opposite of large: Small
The opposite of loud: Quiet
The opposite of rude: Polite
The opposite of possible: Impossible
The opposite of neat: Messy
The opposite of asleep: Awake
The opposite of late: Early
The opposite of wet: Dry
The opposite of last: First
Now the answers for “Down” starting from the top –
The opposite of full: Empty
The opposite of high: Low
The opposite of day: Night
The opposite of open: Closed
The opposite of outside: Inside
The opposite of above: Below
The opposite of hot: Cold
The opposite of difficult: Easy
Now you are done with crossword two! What are you going to do with all that mulch?
Binweevils crossword answers level 3 – The Great Outdoors
Let’s start with “Across” from the top –
At night, you see this round disc shining: Moon
An underground tunnel that an animal lives in: Burrow
You can find these small objects along the seashore: Shells
This animal is sometimes called the kind of the jungle: Lion
You hear this sound when you see lighting: Thunder
This plant doesn’t need much water and can grow in the desert: Cactus
Fish, frogs and jellyfish all do this: Swim
A tiny acron can gro into this: Tree
This animal has long ears and hops fast: Rabbit
Baby birds hatch out of these: Eggs
Now to do the “Down” words form the top –
Kangaroos carry their babies around in this: Pouch
This fruit is named after its colour: Orange
This sea creature can grow bigger than several elephants: Whale
They’re fluffy and can be seen floating in the sky: Clouds
the home that a bird builds: Nest
This slithery creature doesn’t have feet: Snakes
This ribbon of colours appears in the sky after a rainstorm: Rainbow
Lots of people like to wish on one of these: Star
It winds along carrying water to the ocean: River
You plant and water it to grow a flower: Seed
Crossword three is complete! How did you do?
Binweevils crossword answers level 4 – Jobs and Work
“Across” words starting from the top –
This person knows everything about car engines: Mechanic
A doctor who performs surgery is called this: Surgeon
Another word for a writer: Author
This person takes care of your teeth: Dentist
A builder uses this to put nails into place: Hammer
Someone who does sport for a living is called this: Athlete
Cakes, bread, and bisquits are made here: Bakery
A photographer always has one of these on hand: Camera
“Down” words from the top –
A special outfit that you have to wear to work or school: Uniform
Binweevils Shows
You use this to type when working on the computer: Keyboard
An artist probably has lots of colours of this: Paint
A teacher has plenty of these for students to write with: Pencils
A fashion designer might make this for a celebrity: Dress
This person brings your food in a restaurant: Waiter
Firfighters wear this to protect their head: Helmet
Finally done with crossword four. These are getting pretty tough.
Binweevils crossword answers level 5 – General Crossword
First lets begin with the “Across” section from the top –
This bird can be trained to talk: Parrot
When it freezes, water turns into this: Ice
If it’s raining, bring this along: Umbrella
It hangs on the wall and tells you which day it is: Calendar
Bin Weevils Secret Code
A caterpillar will eventually turn into this: Butterfly
This grows on palm trees. Don’t let one fall on your head: Coconut
Solar panels collect this to produce energy: Sunlight
Now let’s do the “Down” section starting at the top –
The first meal of the day: Breakfast
These tiny creatures love cheese: Mice
Re-using plastic or paper to make new things is called this: Recycling
It has two wheels and two pedals: Bicycle
This shape has three sides: Triangle
You use this body part to smell: Nose
An accessory you can wear on your finger: Ring
Before a big exam you should do this: Study
Crossword five is complete! Let’s go to number six. Are you keeping up?
Binweevils crossword answers level 6 – Music Mania
From the top of “Across” –
The words to a song are called this: Lyrics
Someone who really likes a band or celebrity is called this: Fan
The bands’ lead singer sings into this: Microphone
A signature from someone famous: Autograph
The band stands up on this when they preform: Stage
Another word for a really famous person: Celebrity
A bright light that shines on the band from above: Spotlight
You need to buy one of these to attend a show: Ticket
Let’snow get to the “Down” section starting at the top –
Another word for a show where a band plays music: Concert
The drummer uses these to play the drums: Drumsticks
Great music can make you want to do this: Dance
Another word for rehearse: Practice
A collection of songs released together is also called this: Album
A long car that is often used by celebrities: Limo
This stringed instrument features in most bands: Guitar
That was all the answers to crossword six! How did you do?
Binweevils crossword answers level 7 – General Crossword
Starting with the “Across” words from the very top –
Another word for clever: Smart
Birds use these to fly: Wings
A place where you can see lots of animals: Zoo
To look for something is to: Search
If you remember things well, you have a great: Memory
This slimy creature moves very slowly and wears a curly shell: Snail
Pirates often bury this: Treasure
Fruit that has just been picked is: Fresh
Another word for terrible: Awful
If you are fortunate, it means you have good: Luck
The opposite of lower: Upper
Now for the “Down” words form the top –
If you are being honest you are telling the: Truth
You can add this to your tea to make it sweet: Sugar
Bees live inside this: Hive
To get from one room to another, you go through this: Door
A shape with four equal sides: Square
Another word for competition: Contest
Another word for error: Mistake
It hangs on the wall and tells the time: Clock
Another word for glad: Happy
To put a gift into pretty paper: Wrap
A key fits into this: Lock
Crossword seven is now complete! Let’s keep going.
Binweevils crossword answers level 8 – Pets
Starting with the “Across” words from the very top –
Cats scratch on a post to sharpen these: Claws
With patience, you can teach some pets lots of these: Tricks
Always make sure your pets have enough food and: Water
This special doctor takes care of pets: Veterinarian
A pet bird usually lives in this: Cage
What do you call a baby cat: Kitten
This goes around a pets neck to hold their ID tags: Collar
When cats are happy, they make this low rumbling noise: Purr
Now let’s get to the “Down” words from the top –
This small pet loves to run on a wheel: Hamster
All cats have these long hairs sticking our from their face: Whiskers
A clever pet might chase and fetch this: Ball
Dog chew on toys and bones to keep these healthy: Teeth
It’s long and bendy, and cats sometimes chase their own: Tail
Rabbits love to nibble on this veggie: Carrot
You usually clip this on when you take your dog for a walk: Leash
Crossword eight was pretty easy wouldn’t you say!? Let me know how you did in the comments below.
Binweevils crossword answers level 9 – Around the Binscape
We will start with the “Across” words from the top –
This wacky Scientist invented the daily brain strain: Lab
This mega-rich bin Weevil lives in a palace: Dosh
You’ll find these growing at Flum’s Fountain: Mushrooms
This Bin Weevil runs the Haggle Hut: Nab
What does Tink’s Tree like to eat: Flies
This reporter writes Weevil Weekly: Scribbles
This number appears on the side of Lab’s Lab: Eight
This huge shop is next to Bin Mart in the Shopping Mall: Nestco
Now let’s get to the “Down” words starting at the top –
You need this to pay for food at Figg’s Cafe: Mulch
The best place to race against your buddies: Dirtvalley
The XP bubbles at Club Fling are this colour: Pink
Bin Pets are very good at this skill: Juggling
Jumping on the catapults in front of Castle Gam flings this around: Slime
Stamp this every day in your nest to earn prizes: Bincard
If you impress the Nest Inspector, you could win this: Trophy
There are all the answers for crossword nine! I hope it helped you out!
Binweevils crossword answers level 10 – Science Rocks
Lets start with the “Across” words from the top –
This object sticks to Metallic Surfaces: Magnet
What makes things fall when you drop them: Gravity
Test tubes are made from this clear, breakable material: Glass
The place where a scientist works: Laboratory
A lab coat is usually this color: White
You use this body part to think: Brain
This long rectangular tool is used to measure things: Ruler
Another word for poisonous: Toxic
Now for the “Down” words starting from the top –
Another word for the information a scientist gathers: Data
Someone who is very, very smart is called this: Genius
You can look at faraway stars with this: Telescope
Wear these to protect your eyes when you’re experimenting: Goggles
At school, this person helps you learn: Teacher
Write your observations down in this: Notebook
All the planets orbit around this: Sun
Binweevils crossword answers Level 12 – Summer Fun
We will start with the across words first.
A sandy strip besides the seas: Beach
You can see your toes when you wear these shoes: Sandals
A long walk through the country or wilderness: Hike
A popular summer drink: Lemonade
Always wear sunscreen to avoid this: Sunburn
A type of bird often found at the seaside: Seagull
Put cubes of this in your drink to cool it off: Ice
A spot that isn’t in the sun is in this: Shade
A sport in which you ride the waves on a board: Surfing
Now the words that are straight down starting from the top.
Fill this with water or use it to play in the sand: Bucket
A small palace you build on the seashore: Sandcastle
You can do this in a pool, in the sea or in a like: Swim
You can sleep in this if you go camping: Tent
You can lie on this or use it to dry off: Towel
This insect glows in the dark: Firefly
People often cook these on the grill or BBQ in the summer: Burgers
A green space in the city where you can walk or play: Park
This month comes before August: July
The sound you make when you jump in the water: Splash
When you eat lunch outside on a blanket, its called this: Picnic
That is all of the Binweevils Crossword Answers for now! When the game comes out with another I will be sure to get the answers up for you! Thank you and do not forget to follow me on Twitter!