Bin Weevils Closing

The Story Competition is going to be closing this week, so

there is still time to send those Bin Weevils stories in, before Thursday.

Thursday is the last day for any stories to reach me.

Celebrate with some highly-requested Spring and Easter nest items!

The competition is to tell the best Bin Weevils story (credit to Tyana2005 for the idea!) that you can think of and the winning story will win a Mulch Mayhem Starter Pack!

You can use your favourite Bin weevil characters from around the bin, put your buddies in your story, use locations from around the bin, just have fun!

  • Jun 19, 2013  Dosh is basically the coins in the game that cost real money to buy. Dosh can be used to buy items throughout the game to deck out your player so you look like your own Bin Weevil and not like everyone else! Dosh can also be used to purchase nest items, plants, mission hints, food, and even to buy a Bin Pet. Binweevils Codes for Dosh.
  • Playing Bin Weevils since 2011. We are a Bin Weevils YouTube Channel. We make videos such as; Music Videos, Comedy's, Movies, and lots more! We are the only.
Bin Weevils Closing

The second place winner will win an XP code of an unknown amount!

The third place winner will win a Dosh code-I dont even know the amount!

I was going to add a twist, but due to the demand of people AGAINST this decision, I will judge the stories myself and the winner will find out on Friday 10th August – DRAMAQUEEN180s birthday!

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Bin Weevils Closing Video

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