Nov 30, 2011 Is Bin Weevils closing down? Bin weevils is the best because you can enter comps make friends chat and if your a tycoon own businesses so bin weevils is the best! Asked in Bin Weevils. These amazing weevils have shown us how much fun Bin Weevils can be from blogging to mastering multiplayer games. If there are famous bin legends that we have forgot to add please comment down below their names, why their famous and we will do the rest.
Hello weevils.
Today is a very sad day. I have just been told that trropical is officially shutting this blog down soon. Here’s a bit of backstory.
*Storytelling voice*
Bin Weevils Shut Down Video
It was a normal day when Alfie2470 joined Pizza Factory Tycoon on ROBLOX.
“Hey Alfie!” He said.
“Long time no see!” I said.
“You too!” He replied.
“Hey, you should start posting more on this blog!” I suggested.
“Alfie…” He said.
“What?” I said.
“This blog is being shut down!”
WHAAAATTT!!?? HOW CAN THIS BLOG BE SHUT DOOWWWWNNN!! :cc This will be my last post.. Oh no.. ;ccc I don’t know whether to start my blog back up WHAT DO I DOOO!?!? I have made the decision now..
Did Bin Weevils Shut Down
I will be creating a new blog “Alfie2470’s ROBLOX Blog!” Here I will be showcasing all ROBLOX games, developers, YT…
Now, I will stop ranting on about it…
Bin Weevils Shut Down Lyrics
Anyway, I must admit, I will miss this blog loads. We didn’t post much towards the coming end of Bin Weevils, but when I first joined, it was amazing. We posted everything about BW..
Anyway, It’s time to say our final goodbyes. This will probably be the second to last post on this blog, as trropical is going to do his final post.
Has Bin Weevils Been Shut Down
Thank you all so much for tuning into this blog and supporting us in these last few years/months. We all really appreciate it.
And now, from all the A Trropical Path Of Bin Weevils team, editors, authors,
Bin Weevils Secret Code
Bin Weevils Shut Down Song
– Alfie2470
Bin Weevils App
The old bin weevils logos.. :C